Some individuals aren’t cut out for settling down.

Not in the conventional sense.

Not in a way that keeps them safe, keeps them stationary, keeps them within easy reach.

They wander through life with restless souls, constantly gazing at the next horizon, always sensing something drawing them forward.

They don’t fully understand what it is.

Only that they must keep moving.

Perhaps that’s a beautiful thing.

Maybe it’s a form of survival.

Perhaps it’s what prevents them from becoming something they never intended to be.

But what no one ever discusses is the cost.

Because running means leaving.

It means mastering the art of saying goodbye without making it a spectacle.

It means understanding that most people are fleeting, that most places are just spots on the map, and that regardless of how hard someone tries to make you stay…

you won’t.

You can’t.

It’s not that you don’t care about them.

It’s not that you don’t wish you could remain.

It’s just that something deep inside always whispers,

Not yet. There’s still more.

So you leave.

And people let you.

Because they always let you.

Because it’s simpler that way.

But every once in a while…

someone sees through it.

Someone looks at you and doesn’t only see the wanderer, the free spirit, the untamable soul.

They see the burden of it.

They understand what it costs you.

They see the nights when you lie awake, questioning if you’ve made the right choice.

The way your hands shake when you dwell too much on what you’ve lost.

The way you assure yourself that you regret nothing;

but still, you wonder.

They don’t beg you to stay.

They don’t try to hold you back.

They just see you.

And for the first time, you don’t feel like you have to keep running.

Because home isn’t a destination.

It’s a person.

It’s how someone remembers the smallest details about you effortlessly.

It’s how someone can predict your moods before you even realize them.

It’s how someone makes you feel like you don’t have to keep proving your place.

Like you belong.

Like you always have.

And maybe that terrifies you.

Because when you find something like that…

you have to decide.

You can either stay;

or risk losing them forever.

Some people never get another chance.

Some realize too late that the ones who truly understood them, the ones who never needed them to be anything other than themselves;

they’re gone.

And no matter how far you run,

you’ll always know:

You left something behind that you’ll never find again.