Category: Uncategorized

  • Shadows

    Funny how some places stay the same, even when we don’t. You can walk away from a town, a bar, a moment in time; but somehow, pieces of them stick with you. It happens so quietly you don’t even realize it. You tell yourself you’ve moved on, that you’ve outgrown it. Then, one day, something…

  • Some individuals aren’t cut out for settling down. Not in the conventional sense. Not in a way that keeps them safe, keeps them stationary, keeps them within easy reach. They wander through life with restless souls, constantly gazing at the next horizon, always sensing something drawing them forward. They don’t fully understand what it is.…

  • The Return

    We can’t run forever. All things must come full circle in the end. Coming soon…

  • Seven years ago, I was sitting in my mate’s flat in Clydebank, Scotland, smoking Afghani hash out of a gravity bong. Not nearly as glamorous or potent as it seems.  I was 27, fresh off failing the medical for the British Army, heavily considering the French Foreign Legion. I’ve always been flighty; it’s a miracle…

  • Some women charm you. Others challenge you. The best ones do both; and leave you wanting more. I sit here in this island-themed dive. Staring longingly at my book as some half-witted woman who thinks she fancies an intellectual drones on about her unimpressive self. All I can help but do is let my mind…

  • A short story. Be careful what you ask of a man who’s never known a home. Be careful what you ask of what we had. You were the first and last good thing to happen to me I am a man. A man with a past. A stray since the day I was born. The…