Some women charm you. Others challenge you. The best ones do both; and leave you wanting more.

I sit here in this island-themed dive. Staring longingly at my book as some half-witted woman who thinks she fancies an intellectual drones on about her unimpressive self. All I can help but do is let my mind wander to a woman I once knew. She was a lovely sort of savagery. I dug it. Her sharp wit and oh-so-dirty mouth. Not in an erotic way… No, in the way she’ll kneecap you with humor and jest in front of your friends when you’re getting too cocky. Flying too close to the sun. She’s not afraid to dust off that metaphorical, strap-on just to keep you humble.

That’s a good one. That’s a fun one. That’s the kind of woman who keeps you on your toes. Keeps you from thinking you’re the main character when you’re really just an NPC in a supporting role.

You think you’re the rogue in the party? Nah, she’s the DM rolling with advantage against your ego. And you love every second of it.

Maybe I’m just some sort of social masochist; but I believe there’s something exciting about a woman whose wit can burn you in good company; and whose eyes can kiss it better from across the room. That cheeky little grin is worth the sting.

I take a sip of my drink, glancing at the woman still speaking in front of me. She’s carrying on, eager to sound interesting, but the words barely register. And I realize why I’ll never think about her again once I leave this bar.

Because the best ones don’t just impress you. They humble you. They remind you that you’re not the hero of every story, and they do it with a smile that makes you grateful for the lesson.